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MoBiTec/Minute™ Detergent-Free Nuclei Isolation Kit/Proteomics/NI-024
  • MoBiTec/Minute™ Detergent-Free Nuclei Isolation Kit/Proteomics/NI-024

MoBiTec/Minute™ Detergent-Free Nuclei Isolation Kit/Proteomics/NI-024

价格: ¥3708.00 市场价: 6180.00

货号: NI-024
品牌: MoBiTec
特别 提示



  • 自营商城 一站式服务
  • 厂家直采 剔除溢价
  • 品质甄选 正品保证
  • 严控流程 只做188精品
  • 极速物流 如约送货
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    • Description:The detergent-free nuclei isolation kit is designed to rapidly isolate intact nuclei from animal cultured cells or tissues (fresh or frozen). Intact nuclei can be isolated from the samples using proprietary spin-column-based technologies in less than 20 min without using tissue homogenizer and any detergents. Traditional method for nuclei isolation involves the use of non-ionic detergent, which has tendency to cause unwanted nuclear aggregation. It is unclear why some nuclei are aggregated while others are not. It is also unknown whether non-aggregated nuclei are unbiased representation of the whole nuclei population. Detergents also have the potential to damage the nuclear envelope resulting in leakage of nuclear matrix materials. For some cell/tissue types, nuclear envelop proteins could also be stripped off by the detergents. MinuteTM Detergent-Free Nuclei Isolation Kit provides a whole new way for nuclei isolation in contrast to traditional methods.How it works: cells/tissues are first sensitized by buffer A before passing through the proprietary filter in a zigzag manner when high-speed centrifugal force is applied. The cells are ruptured when passing through the filter leaving intact native nuclei in the flow through. The nuclei are separated from other small cell debris by low speed centrifugation using the proprietary buffer B. The native and intact nuclei isolated can be used for a variety of downstream applications that include but not limited to: FACS analysis, single nucleus analysis (such as RNA-seq and ATAC-seq), immunofluorescence staining, cell cycle analysis and/or apoptosis research.The detergent-free nuclei isolation kit is designed to rapidly isolate intact nuclei from animal cultured cells or tissues (fresh or frozen). Intact nuclei can be isolated from the samples using proprietary spin-column-based technologies in less than 20 min without using tissue homogenizer and any detergents. Traditional method for nuclei isolation involves the use of non-ionic detergent, which has tendency to cause unwanted nuclear aggregation. It is unclear why some nuclei are aggregated while others are not. It is also unknown whether non-aggregated nuclei are unbiased representation of the whole nuclei population. Detergents also have the potential to damage the nuclear envelope resulting in leakage of nuclear matrix materials. For some cell/tissue types, nuclear envelop proteins could also be stripped off by the detergents. MinuteTM Detergent-Free Nuclei Isolation Kit provides a whole new way for nuclei isolation in contrast to traditional methods.How it works: cells/tissues are first sensitized by buffer A before passing through the proprietary filter in a zigzag manner when high-speed centrifugal force is applied. The cells are ruptured when passing through the filter leaving intact native nuclei in the flow through. The nuclei are separated from other small cell debris by low speed centrifugation using the proprietary buffer B. The native and intact nuclei isolated can be used for a variety of downstream applications that include but not limited to: FACS analysis, single nucleus analysis (such as RNA-seq and ATAC-seq), immunofluorescence staining, cell cycle analysis and/or apoptosis research.The detergent-free nuclei isolation kit is designed to rapidly isolate intact nuclei from animal cultured cells or tissues (fresh or frozen). Intact nuclei can be isolated from the samples using proprietary spin-column-based technologies in less than 20 min without using tissue homogenizer and any detergents. Traditional method for nuclei isolation involves the use of non-ionic detergent, which has tendency to cause unwanted nuclear aggregation. It is unclear why some nuclei are aggregated while others are not. It is also unknown whether non-aggregated nuclei are unbiased representation of the whole nuclei population. Detergents also have the potential to damage the nuclear envelope resulting in leakage of nuclear matrix materials. For some cell/tissue types, nuclear envelop proteins could also be stripped off by the detergents. MinuteTM Detergent-Free Nuclei Isolation Kit provides a whole new way for nuclei isolation in contrast to traditional methods.How it works: cells/tissues are first sensitized by buffer A before passing through the proprietary filter in a zigzag manner when high-speed centrifugal force is applied. The cells are ruptured when passing through the filter leaving intact native nuclei in the flow through. The nuclei are separated from other small cell debris by low speed centrifugation using the proprietary buffer B. The native and intact nuclei isolated can be used for a variety of downstream applications that include but not limited to: FACS analysis, single nucleus analysis (such as RNA-seq and ATAC-seq), immunofluorescence staining, cell cycle analysis and/or apoptosis research.The detergent-free nuclei isolation kit is designed to rapidly isolate intact nuclei from animal cultured cells or tissues (fresh or frozen). Intact nuclei can be isolated from the samples using proprietary spin-column-based technologies in less than 20 min without using tissue homogenizer and any detergents. Traditional method for nuclei isolation involves the use of non-ionic detergent, which has tendency to cause unwanted nuclear aggregation. It is unclear why some nuclei are aggregated while others are not. It is also unknown whether non-aggregated nuclei are unbiased representation of the whole nuclei population. Detergents also have the potential to damage the nuclear envelope resulting in leakage of nuclear matrix materials. For some cell/tissue types, nuclear envelop proteins could also be stripped off by the detergents. MinuteTM Detergent-Free Nuclei Isolation Kit provides a whole new way for nuclei isolation in contrast to traditional methods.How it works: cells/tissues are first sensitized by buffer A before passing through the proprietary filter in a zigzag manner when high-speed centrifugal force is applied. The cells are ruptured when passing through the filter leaving intact native nuclei in the flow through. The nuclei are separated from other small cell debris by low speed centrifugation using the proprietary buffer B. The native and intact nuclei isolated can be used for a variety of downstream applications that include but not limited to: FACS analysis, single nucleus analysis (such as RNA-seq and ATAC-seq), immunofluorescence staining, cell cycle analysis and/or apoptosis research.
      Order #:NI-024
      Unit Size:20 Tests
      Supplier:Invent Biotechnologies
      Restrictions:Only available in Germany and selected European countries.
      Storage:4 °C /-20°C (Buffer B)
      Subcategory:Cell Fractionation
      More information:Go to webpage
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